Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Hi everyone! Mr. Kauffman here.

Day 2 on our site was quite productive. My outside crew ("the real men" who cut wood and repair porches in the freezing rain!) and I finished the exit ramp and began work on the porch roof. Elliott, Sam, Ricky, and I stripped the old roll roofing and old felt paper and then Sean, Tyler, and Nick tagged in to put in the new felt paper and secure it with some roofing nails. Tomorrow, we'll finish it off and then join the others inside to assist with painting and floor repairs.

Tim, from MAW, has been a great asset to our crew. His infectious laugh makes the day move more smoothly and he is extremely patient with the boys, making sure to give everyone a chance to use certain tools, etc.

Brian, the man whom we're serving, is pretty cool. He has some sort of stroke-induced speech aphasia, so most of what he says is "yeah" or "no," though he clearly understands us and can gesture well with his working (left) arm. It is a blessing that he is so welcoming in spite of being somewhat quiet and clearly limited in his communication abilities.

Two more days of work to go! Keep checking out the photos and blog posts and please pray for us!

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